
About Us

All the courses offered by Greenwich Central College are distance learning courses. This means the college does not have physical premises for students to attend, and all courses are accessed online. Greenwich Central College provides distance learning courses ranging from Level 2 Diplomas and GCSEs to Level 7 Diplomas and foundation degrees. Greenwich Central College is a registered educational institution and operates as an independent, self-financing organization. It has developed quality, flexible, and open distance learning materials for adults and continues to invest in innovative learning systems, covering entry levels to degree and professional training programs.

About Distant Learning

In the past, distance learning involved mailing coursework and assignments to a college and waiting for tutor feedback by post. Today, students at Greenwich Central College use our online learning platform to access course materials and communicate with their tutors. All correspondence is conducted online, eliminating delays and allowing students to access tutors and materials anytime, anywhere in the world.

Tutor Support

Our tutors are available online to answer student queries and to mark assignments, thus offering high levels of support and guidance throughout the course. Our Student Services department team are also here to answer calls and emails from current and potential students. In this way you can feel supported every step of the way.

Contact Us

Call us on +44 2080669670 or send us an email through our contact page. We aim to respond to you as soon as we can and all enquires are responded to in one working day.


Connect With Us

Contact us for any queries you may have, we will reach out as soon as we can

Find us
289 Dewsbury Road, Leeds, LS11 5LQ, UK
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Monday - Friday
9AM - 5PM